Vaishnavi Decorators & Mandap

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Contact Person

Suresh Wakadkar

Company Profile

Company Introduction:

Vaishnavi Decorators & Mandap has been providing beautiful and attractive all types of Decorations, Mandap Decoration and Interior Decorations. Our experienced staff encourages creativity and grace, thus making each Decoration & Mandaps uniquely personal and romantic. We fill all your events with glowing colors and make them sweet and memorable for ever. Our Decoration & Mandaps, original and unique exquisite floral combinations and arrangements, and stylish aisle and table decor are designed and crafted to the highest standard, ensuring quality, professionalism, and choice. Our design is highly distinguished and respected for not only producing the most elaborate and innovative wedding decor, but also for offering.
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Basic Information

Company Name: Vaishnavi Decorators & Mandap
BusinessType: Service Provider
Product/Service Description: We are offering verities of decorations for all occasions like Weddings, Themed events, Summer balls, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christmas, Church or Temple decorations for auspicious days, Corporate meetings, Social gatherings, Inauguration.

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