Excellence in Engineered Alloys

Company Profile

Company Introduction:

AMPCO METAL, headquartered in Switzerland, is a leading international manufacturer and integrated distributor of specialty copper alloys and engineered products.

The company was founded in 1914 in USA as an innovator in the introduction and application of aluminum bronze alloys. It has also introduced to the market several new metallurgical and process techniques that have made AMPCO METAL the recognized quality leader in specialty bronzes and copper alloys.

Over the years, AMPCO METAL has served customers throughout the world in a variety of applications seeking wear, corrosion-resistant and high conductive properties. Major industries served include: chemical and petroleum, machine tool, primary metal producers, transportation and a wide range of industrial and commercial machinery.

To obtain unique and consistent alloy characteristics, AMPCO METAL utilizes some of the most advanced equipments in the industry, a highly skilled engineering staff and sophisticated quality control procedures.

This allows AMPCO METAL to offer superior lot-to-lot consistency for predictable results.

Conscious of the environment, AMPCO METAL utilizes advanced technology throughout its plants and service centers to rigidly maintain clean air and water programs.

AMPCO METAL manufactures a wide range of alloys in a variety of grades and conditions and distributes them through its worldwide network of service centers. This enables AMPCO METAL to work closely with its customers to produce specialty alloys with the properties and characteristics they need.

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Basic Information

Company Name: AMPCO METAL India Pvt Ltd
BusinessType: Manufacturer
Key Products We Sell Aluminum Bronze,Beryllium copper,Beryllium free copper,AMPCO Aluminium Bronze,AMPCOLOY High alloyed coppe,AMPCO WELDING WIRE
Year Of Establishment: 1914
Constitution Type: Private Limited
No. of Employees: 11 to 50
Our Specialities: High wear resistant aluminum Bronze,High Thermal and Electrical conductive beryllium & beryllium free copper
Our Sales Presence: China , India , United Kingdom , United States ,
Product/Service Description: NA

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